Steven C. Williams


Lantana Consulting Group
Software Developer
4/2022 to present
NIOSH (contractor), Morgantown, WV
Software Developer
1/2007 to 4/2022
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
6/2013 to 7/2013
Associate Instructor
8/2012 to 5/2013
Research Assistant
8/2009 to 8/2012


Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Doctor of Philosophy in Cognitive Science and Informatics
West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


  1. Williams, S. C. (2019). Neural Correlates of Adaptive Behavior: Structure, Dynamics, and Information Processing. PhD thesis, Indiana University.
  2. Williams, S. and Yaeger, L. (2017). Evolution of neural dynamics in an ecological model. Geosciences, 7(3).
  3. Menzies, T., Brady, A., Keung, J., Hihn, J., Williams, S., El-Rawas, O., Green, P., and Boehm, B. (2013). Learning project management decisions: A case study with case-based reasoning versus data farming. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 39(12):1698–1713.
  4. Yaeger, L., Sporns, O., Williams, S., Shuai, X., and Dougherty, S. (2010). Evolutionary selection of network structure and function. In Fellermann, H. et al., editors, Artificial Life XII, pages 313–320.
  5. Green II, P., Menzies, T., Williams, S., and El-Rawas, O. (2009). Understanding the value of software engineering technologies. In ASE 2009, pages 52–61.
  6. Menzies, T., Williams, S., El-Rawas, O., Boehm, B., and Hihn, J. (2009). How to avoid drastic software process change (using stochastic stability). In ICSE '09, pages 540–550.
  7. Menzies, T., Williams, S., Elrawas, O., Baker, D., Boehm, B., Hihn, J., Lum, K., and Madachy, R. (2009). Accurate estimates without local data? Software Process: Improvement and Practice, 14(4):213–225.


National Science Foundation Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship: The Dynamics of Brain–Body–Environment Systems in Behavior and Cognition
8/2010 to 8/2012
5/2010 to 8/2010


Appalachian Outreach, Inc., Glen Dale, WV
1/2007 to present
